Angela & Guillaume have had a very busy summer, fall and winter. (Not really, Angela has been lazy.)
The Christmas tree is up, decorated and lit for the season. There has been no snow in Boston, although it is very cold! Guillaume still bundles up and rides his Vespa (La Voile) to work every night.
Christmas will be hosted here for the first time, and Guillaume is very excited. Helen and Andrew will be here, and hopefully Claudia and Guy (depending on things in France, of course), and maybe there will be snow! But there will certainly be Joy!
Now, some new pictures of the home. There is some new artwork on the walls, which has taken some time to choose, but finally decisions were made. (And some lamps were finessed from Helen...)
The dining room, with some artwork from our favorite artists, Papy Pierrrrrre and Andrew.
And the latest additions, another painting, the bookshelf and some pretty vases that look like they belong in the Caribbean.
And the little piece of Paris on the wall...
Hopefully this will not be the last post before Christmas & New Year's Eve, but if it is: