We had a very busy summer, with a lot of visitors from France.
First, we met our friends from Paris, Vincent & Martine, in New York City. We took the train from Boston, and arrived at 12:00 noon at our hotel. We took the ferry to Ellis Island to read Angela's family's name on the wall.
After that, we went to Grand Central Station for a drink to relax ... what a life!
We went to the hotel to get ready for our evening. We went to the rooftop bar at the Peninsula Hotel, with a view of Central Park.
When we left the Peninsula Hotel, we headed to Brooklyn for dinner at the River Cafe. The view of Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty at night was beautiful!
After dinner, we walked back to Manhattan using the Brooklyn Bridge. It was a very long walk (for Angela's feet)!
The next day, we had a sportive Sunday. We went to see the New York baseball team at Yankee Stadium. Our seats were very far, and we left before the end of the game. It's very long...
Back to Boston on the train, and we arrived at midnight. The next day, we drove to the town of Bar Harbor in the state of Maine. It was a 7 hour drive, and it rained a lot along the way! We stayed at the Cadillac Motor Inn, in the center of the town.
We rented tandem bikes. Guillaume says that Angela was not pedaling at all (not true)! We tried to go up the mountain, but couldn't, so we stopped for a coffee instead. We biked around Bar Harbor, to the beaches, and through the woods.
Our next stop was the house of Marguerite Yourcenar, Petite Plaisance. Our friend Martine really wanted to go there. We were given the tour in French! After the visit, we went into her garden.
Finally, we packed a lunch and rented a canoe on Long Lake. Guillaume and Vincent had to put the canoe in the water themselves, and then we had lunch on the canoe (it was a little windy).
After the long drive home, we rested in Boston for a few days. Then we went to Seabrook, in the state of New Hampshire, to visit Angela's friend Sue at her beach house. They are from Kansas City, in the state of Missouri (in the middle of the country). It was great to visit with her and her whole family! (Vincent still remembers the waves!)
For our last evening before Vincent & Martine left, and before Angela had to go back to work, we went to a very nice dinner at The Capital Grille.
**EMERGENCY for Angela*** WOOP WOOP!!
Angela had to go back to the hospital unexpectedly, so missed out on all of the fun...
Romain, Greg and Cyril arrived, and did all the activities that Guillaume planned for them: New York City, baseball games, whale watch, Duck Tour (quack quack), visit of Boston...
We didn't know what to do to relax, so we took a "little aperitif" anyway.
Guillaume & Cyril went to NYC, and Claudia and Cyrielle left for Paris, but Angela got to visit with them for a few hours before they left - she made it home from the hospital just in time!
It felt very quiet here in Boston once everyone was gone because EVERYONE slept here at Garden Street, and we still miss you!
Angela utilise Google Translator quand elle ne comprend pas http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=en
Thanks for the blog. Love the pictures.
hey Boston lovers...I agree with Helen, I love the pictures ...
I hope you will put photos from San Francisco...I wait you when you want !
Bye bye
youpi, j'ai réussi à m'inscrire pour faire partie des "bloggeurs".Finalement, je vais peut être me réconcilier avec l'informatique...j'ai dit "peut être"...Bonjour à tous nos amis de partout et surtout plein de bises aux tourtereaux.....Claudia, alias Maman, alias p'tit pap, alias todioboy...
Salut les toutereaux,
Après une panne de 2 mois d'ordi, nous revenons à la vie.
Nous sommes contents de pouvoir partager quelques moments avec vous même si vous êtes loin.
Nous espèrons qu'Angela va mieux et que vous passez de bons moments.
Votre blog est sympa, nous allons pouvoir vous suivre régulièrement.
Petit détail, pensez un peu aux nazes qui cause pas terrible le rosbeef.
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